2023 Little Summer Helpers
When the picture of Thomas and Cameron DeLaTorre popped up on our social media feed in July, Lee’s Summit let out a collective sigh. “They’re pretty darn cute,” Terry Kincheloe, Chairman of the Meals on Wheel’s marketing committee, had to admit. “Images like this reinforce that our operation is truly a community effort, for all ages.” The picture of the DeLaTorre brothers also prompted Lee’s Summit residents to ask, “Who are these adorable summer helpers?”
When Diane DeLaTorre moved to Missouri, she contacted Jenni Edwards through the Meals on Wheels of Lee’s Summit website, eager to volunteer. “I have a background in Meals on Wheels. It started with my grandfather; he used to do Meals on Wheels when I was growing up, so when I had the opportunity, I just wanted to give back to the community and do something good,” Diane shared.
Serving the community with children makes a lasting impression. The proverb, “Experience is the Best Teacher”, exemplifies the lasting lesson of love Diane’s grandfather shared with her, a lesson she now shares with her children Thomas (7) and Cameron (5). Diane explained, “With the boys, the summer was the perfect opportunity for them to be involved. I wanted them to see what it was like to give!”
Like Diane, board member Terry Kincheloe, has also taken advantage of the opportunities Meals on Wheels provides to teach his children how to give back to their community. “Over the years, they volunteered on delivery routes and packed emergency meal kits for our clients. I’ve even pulled them into marketing projects for Meals on Wheels.” Whether it’s graphic design work or delivering a holiday meal, Meals on Wheels provides many opportunities for hands-on lessons.
Ready to share a lasting lesson of love with your own children? Call Jenni Edwards with Meals on Wheels of Lee’s Summit to explore the possibilities, 816-384-6465.